
Making Sense of the Confusion

Domestic abuse can be very confusing if it isn't physical abuse. Mental, emotional, spiritual... these are forms of abuse that can destroy one's soul. Awareness is the first step to freedom - for you and those you love. 

Physical abuse is really obvious - there are bruises, finger marks, black eyes, broken bones... 
Mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological abuse and coercive control don't leave physical marks but it is the kind of abuse that lasts beyond separation or protection from physical abuse. The domestic abuse community has been changing the term 'domestic violence' to 'domestic abuse' because most people think of only physical abuse when they see the word 'violence'. Even though the violent nature of breaking down one's soul, spirit, and mind can also have devastating physical effects. 

Before I go further, if you find yourself here looking for support - know you are believed. You are loved. You are worthy of love and safety. Your life is worth protecting and so are the little ones you may be seeking protection for as well. 

This blog is another resource for you. A place to start as you navigate healing and support. These are some fantastic support groups, therapists, and leading advocates who have been instrumental for me in my own journey. Feel free to reach out privately if you have any questions or need help navigating support closer to you. 

What have you found that has helped you understand what was happening to you, set you on your path to healing, and find peace? Share with me below in the comments or send me a private message. I'd love to hear from you!

Finally, I want to leave you with this article... you may hear the term 'co-dependent' by counsellors and therapists who don't understand the reality of domestic abuse. I hope this clears things up for you and educates those who are in a professional position to help survivors:

[Please note: I am not a therapist or counsellor. All of this is for your personal resources and I strongly advise you to find your own therapist who can help you navigate these waters. This is intended for research and information only. It is not meant to diagnose or promise solutions. Everyone is in their own unique positions and needs to be sure to make the best personal decisions for themselves and their loved ones directly.]

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