
Strength Training

When was the moment you really grasped how much your children watch you? Not just watch you, but form their ideals, actions, and beliefs after what they see in you? 

I remember when my oldest kept saying this certain saying when she was about two. I thought it was so funny and didn't realize she got it from me until someone said - that's what you say all the time! 😂
Those were words, but what about our actions? 

The most serious moments came when I needed to make a change in my life that actually ended up bringing me through hell as I walked us toward our freedom. 
It has been through that valley I realized the strength I saw in my Mumma growing up was something I learned and was acting out in my own life. I would find myself thinking about how she responded to very difficult times in her life and what she did. 

Valleys are so very challenging and we need moments of rest. Take them. But then get up and keep moving forward. One day at a time, if needed. One moment at a time. 

And so legacy is created. And so strength is created and rooted in our next generation. Tenacity and grit. Courage and love. Authenticity and vulnerability. 

The challenging times can be our greatest gift in how we respond and what we teach our children --- who are watching. 

Mumma, you got this 💜

#strengthtraining #generationalblessing #riseup #donotgiveup #youaretheirstrength #dvawareness #domesticabuse #valleyoffire #iwillfearnoevil #throughthevalley #riseupstronger

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